Transformation requires LOVE: HONESTY, SURRENDER and FEARLESSNESS! After my final IVF treatment, the loss of my job/career and mental strength, I took to my bed. I curled up, turned on Netflix and laid there for days. I wanted and needed some relief and to forget. I...
Recognising our hurt and wounded selves can be pretty mind-blowing, let alone body blowing! For years I did not know how to deal with triggers and my overwhelming feelings. At first, I thought that I just needed to get on, work harder and do more. Life is just like...
Hi All, I would like to share my list support tools for Mothering Sunday. I will be going through in more detail in future blogs about my creativity and how we can all tap into our intuitive creativity, but for now here are my top 9 tools. 1. Compassion – This...
At age 7, my best friend turned against me. Her views changed toward me. From being so similar, I felt so different. It felt excruciating to me. I remember standing in the middle of the playground wondering, what the hell happened? It was a...
OMG – I can’t believe I actually wrote the above and wondering whether you are still here reading? I make up that I am being shot, or at the stake, or stoned by some of you, hahahaha. So let me explain – Is childlessness a wound? Being...