TBC in May 2021 

My programs are either 6 or 12 weeks long and are for childless women.  


Are you tired?

Have you had enough of feeling deep pain about being childless? 

You’ve tolerated enough isolation, enough shame, enough conflict and feeling jealousy of others.

Do you have an internal deep knowing that something needs to change and you know that that change needs to happen within you? 

You just can’t keep your head buried any longer.    

Your heart, soul and body just will not allow it.   

– Enough is Enough –  


I have so been there, when the pain is so intense that I can touch it.  

When I’ve reached the bottom and I know change needs to happen,  

but I don’t quite know what that change is or what I need to do.    

There’s resistance.  

There is a battle going on inside.  

This is the time we need to remember we are not alone.   

Answers are just around the corner  

I promise!  

Are you there?  

If so come and join me and others to claim their evolution.  

In my online Program I will be guiding you through the Cosmic Smash Booking Process (a powerful combination of the healing arts, creative journalling, Intuitive Painting and Intentional Creativity – click here to find out more ) to connect to your creative personal power. 

(No previous creative experience is necessary

Just a willingness to pick up a pen and a brush)  

You will be exploring and connecting to this incredible powerful and intuitive part of you.  

You will be learning how to use this amazing tool to express yourself in a very safe and beautiful way.  

You will get to stand up to what you know to be your truth, what you believe in and let go of what no long serves you today.  

You will get to restore and heal that which is deep inside you and breath from a place of authenticity and truth. 


For 12 weeks you will be:

Learning to create and connect with your inner artist and muse.

You will be connecting to your truth and wisdom

You will be releasing what no longer serves your life today

connecting to a lot of fun

In a safe space to do this amazing powerful work, 

To evolve!


Are you ready?  

 To go on a journey of transformation and evolution.  

To more Joy

To more Power

To more Connection

To Peace of Mind 

Together with more connection to your creativity.  

Dive in!  

You are worth it. 

What’s included in this

12 Week Program?

12 x Weekly Creative Healing Sessions

Finally have some time to explore creatively what needs to be known for you right now.  Open to your heart and see new possibilities, evolving you and your life. 

I will be guiding you through the Cosmic Smash Booking process to dive deeply into your personal journey to owning your Sovereignty.  You will get to explore your resistance in a loving and kind way and release it, restore your power, win your internal revolution and evolve from it.  

We will be painting, drawing and collaging.  Together with cutting, ripping and pasting.

You will know the power of creativity as a healing force.

This will be your space for your transformation.

12 x Weekly 1-to-1 - 20 min Heart Call.

 Each week we will sit down together to talk about your pages, connect to where you are at in this process, reflect and receive encouragement and support.  So that you know you are not alone on this journey.  A time to ask any questions which you could not in a group setting.  

Weekly Facebook Lives in the private 'Empower You' Group

Twice a week I turn up live to show you how I am completing my weekly page and answer any questions.  Accountability and support is important here together with  gentle momentum in this process.  

Empowered Childlessness Stepping into Action:

Private Facebook Group – Sometimes the hardest thing on this journey is feeling alone.  When things come up through the week, connect with others in the Empower You: Stepping into Action private group.  I will be there too, checking in – you will again not be alone. 


∞  1 – to – 1 Heart Connection Call– At the end of the program, we will sit down for 30 minutes to create an action plan to continue your transformational journey.  This is so important to continue the evolution which will happen during this program. 
∞  Receive all 22 videos from EMPOWERED CHILDLESSNESS LAST YEARS ONLINE RETREAT!                                             
You’ll be able to access inspiration and guidance from phenomenal speakers whenever you need it! Invaluable

Costings and Details

£450 / $588 USD 

3 x monthly instalments of 
£165 or $216 USD
see plans below 
All sessions are recorded, which you will have lifetime access. 
Do you have any Questions?


Email me at

Your Investment: 

Time – 12 week program

(Time investment approx 2 hrs weekly)

Where: Online through Zoom

 Cost:  £450 / $588 USD 

Come and Join Us

Learn to tap into your creative muse and heal.

Have more questions don’t hesitate to contact me at