The Healing Power Of Being Present
To Your Suffering Through Creativity
7 Heart Centered Principles, Spirit Based Practices and Simple Action Steps for Leading a Wildly Creative, Deeply Authentic and Magically Intuitive Life! – An inspirational e-book
Chris Zydel, MA , AKA the Wild Heart Queen, is head creative goddess at Creative Juices Arts. She has over 40 years of experience as a compassionate creativity guide and an unshakeable faith in the power of creativity to heal hearts and change lives.
She knows deep in her bones that everyone is wonderfully and gloriously creative and is on a relentlessly love-soaked mission to prove that to the world. She performs this magic by providing nurturing, joy-filled creative sanctuaries overflowing with encouragement, permission and trust in the sacred energy of play and creativity that lives inside of us all.r.
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